Its been three weeks in Hyderabad ILP.

To continue with my last blog,its been past three weeks since we started our ILP in Hyderabad. Its a mixture of opinions.
My stream is Java. Till now we have come across the topics such as HTML,CSS, and in detail about User Interface,more about application programs. now we are involved in writing codes for the programs exercise(problem statements). 

Other than technical there's a session called BIZZSKILLS, a soft skills structured class,where we will be taught about corporate life. the way we should talk,the way we should carry ourselves the attitude we carry,the writing skills, oral communications, how to write mails, different role plays to show in practical about the conversations and situations of corporate life. how to talk on telephone many more. we are actually enjoying these classes. we are havin so much fun with different activities.
will update soon after few days...
Day will be so long sitting inside class from 2:00 pm to 9.30 pm,finishing the assignments and exercise and one more thing is we have to write learning log for each day which is the thing which I don't like.

Well,coming into technical part, we have finished our User Interface ,Problem Solving Java. Till now we had 2 technical presentation which they evaluated. and we have to do assignments for a mini project called NSEP.

we willl be having pre diagnostics in which we had to write a java code for the problem statement.

we will be having a diagnostics test which consists of 20 objective java questions.

I got a few feedback for my blog saying it is useful and also i received lot of replies.
I am thankful for the people who are following my blog and helping me to get inspired to write more blogs.
c u soon.