ILP DIARY : DAY ONE 13.10.2011

Its 5.30 in the morning , normally I have nothing to do at that time of the day but today my friend saurav woke me up shouting loud about the importance of today i.e 13th october 2011

I m here at SAI AMU residency (govalguddi,gachibowli,serringampally,hyderabad,AP) in a 2BHK enjoying all the scenic beauty and facilities provided by TCS 

we walked to the Q-city (TCS premises on 7 & 8th floor) just 10 min distance from our apartments and at 7.30 we got our temporary cards nd joining kits from the TCS.
As all of my friends know,I m always curious to know the things around so we three  (sunil,tushar and me) decided to have a look at the premises and went straight to the food court and tried some dishes.

Meanwhile,on the seventh floor the processs and formalities started with introduction from our ILP coordinator,Mr. Rohan chhetri the process as expected started with attendence and just in the middle of it  I entered with my friends :D
after this he continued with all the rules and regulations with great enthusiasm and in full zeal. then Mr. Srinivasa (Hr) continued the process further with all the other details .
then comes Mr. arvind our deleivery manager an experienced guy with over 17 years of market  experience and explained each and every module of ILP .

I quote his words "productivity from SE the very first day"

then comes the best one Ms.jaishree ,she again repeated the rules to be followed and then ended with the statement "we are not here to find technical geeks..."
some of the rules are mobile phones photography soulmate search :P :,( graffeti on the walls

then we had document verification all at its ease and hastle free :D

later in the evening Mr. sharma form HDFC bank was there to help us out with our new bank account and provided us new debit card and cheque books.
so the day which started at 5.30 for the office ended at 8.30 at apartment a bit tiring but exciting .

look of the campus..

it is the only world that comes in my mind...  and I realy mean it .
Open labs, resourceful library, geometric class rooms, colourfull wall papers, awesome auditorium...What changed from experienced certainity to experience diversity , to Experience knowledge.

food court at the ground floor is best place in the Q-city with meals for each nd every type of taste buds and definately for a GREENHORN its a gud feeling to find suitable food items (familier ones) there.

my batch ..

The batch consist of faces from almost all parts of india. 218 in total not much interacted with others though...

my friends from my college also got great opinion about the facilities at the apartments & TCS centre.."more than expected" is the thought..

There is so much left to tell but its already 11 pm and saurav (my roomie) again staring at me and tomorrow again I have to report at 8.00 so I should use the lines...