NOTE: Aspire Preparation has no role in ILP. On 2nd r 3rd day after joining, u ll have objective type test based on aspire subjects.(PAT). Aspire ends dere. Aspire is to make Non-CS to get basic CS Knowledge and CS to brush up der old subjects, before entering ILP, Once u enter ILP, u ll b put in stream. and u ll taught on stream subjects alone :) :)

There are two phases in ilp.

First phase:

U ll b taught completely abt ur Stream. U ll b having Case studies(Practical works), Viva Voce, Powerpoint presentation on stream topics, objective type assessment. Some business skill classes( Oral+Written+Team work).Ur performance ll b observed thru out this phase.In biz skill, u ll have pre-test on oral and written.

Oral - Given a random topic, u have to speak for 5 mins

Written - Given a random topic, u have to write something. Dey ll evaulate these tests.. Rating ll be given. if u perform low, u ll b put in remedial.

Second phase:
 Project Delivery phase.
 It is project phase. Ur group ll b spilted into sub groups. Different phases in Project.

1. Requirement Gathering

2. Test Case and Scenario Preparation

3. Construcion (Coding + Integration + Unit Testing)

4. Testing

5. Bug Fixes and Maintenance

They split the learning groups into team.

MY group had 56 associates, splited into 9 teams.

Each team will have 6 team members(TM) and a team lead(TL).

Dono how they ll select team lead,

Some criteria were,

1. if he/she from Computer Science background.

2. if he/she performed well in 1st 30days (as they monitor u every second without ur knowledge).

3. Random basis.

I was selected as TL for my team. My TMs were happy, accepted me as their TL and they were really co-operative with me.

Ur technical lead ll be ur Customer.

Ur team ll be assigned a topic. Business requirement ll be given.

At the end of each phase, there are some deliverables for TL and Team.

Hectic :(

we have to strict to time-line..

No late submissions.. No excuses..

As every thing counts here..

It ll be like real project environment.

u need to be formal, in the way u contact to ur customer.

U have to,

1. send status reports.

2. maintain the activities of ur team members.

3. discuss with customer and team members and etc.,

Even more.. They want us to experience and practice how they do projects in real.
Moreover, u ll b evaluated at the end of each phase.

Based on ur project , individual and team performance, u ll b evaluated.
At the end of 2nd phase of ilp training, u ll have final evaluation.

Final Evalution:It covers the following area

1. Oral Skill

2. Writing Skill

3. Technical Skill.

1)OS:U ll be asked to present a ppt on ur project (project means the one u r doing in 2nd phase). U ll be evaluated based on ur presentation.

2) WS: U ll be asked write a letter or  a report or an essay regarding ur project/some random topic.

3).Technical evaluation has three phases depends on ur stream.Here r Mainframe, Java, Dotnet Streams alone. 

For Mainframe ,u ll be having Objective type Test, Viva-voce, Group Presentation(Regarding Project).

For Java & Dotnet, u ll be having an application development(Given a scenario, u have to develop a simple application), Viva- voce, Group Presentation(Regarding Project).Based on these evaluations and observations u ll b rated.

Top rated associates from each group ll b awarded certificates + given some high ratings.

RemedialPackages(extra casestudies, dey have to work extra hours) ll b given to low performers.

 Last day, ll b given ur release letter in valedictory function. And ll b asked to meet RMG(resource management group who will allocate project for us )